Friday, November 7, 2008

I don't even want to take the test now

We may have ruined our perfect record, because I think I am not pregnant. My cold is getting better and I still don't feel pregnant. I looked at my notes from LP's pregnancy and I felt pregnant by this time. Maybe I am just missing it because I am sick and still nursing.
Not that it is a big problem as compared to other peoples' problems, but I am bummed and I don't want to take the test now because I don't think I will get the desired result and it seems like a waste of resources. The tests come free from the health center in packs of 2, and the one I have now is the second one from when LP was getting started.
I just thought of something hopeful, though! Maybe I'm pregnant but it is different than last time because this one is going to be calmer than the LP, either because it is a girl or because of the nursing evening out the hormones (or some other reason). That would be nice, to be able to actually eat what I want (without throwing up) as a hungry pregnant person. Maybe I should take the test.


Erica said...

Presumably if you are pregnant you will know soon enough... and if you are not, you can try again in a couple weeks.

Anonymous said...

Although we all cherish perfect records, I'm sure if you're not pregnant right now, you'll still make your ball-park time-to-have-the-baby.

Tinkering Theorist said...

I took the test, and it was negative, but it was expired (I always knew it was expired, but I didn't realize it was expired for over a year . . .) so I don't feel confident about it. Also, I think I maybe saw a faint line there. I have been going to pee a million times a day . . .
Now I need to go get another test package.

Tinkering Theorist said...

BTW, I still haven't gotten more tests--I was busy today. I saw in this post that it was easy to misread what I meant by "missing it", in that I was talking about the feeling of being pregnant. Now I am very clearly missing something else, so I figure I'm pregnant. I have to take the test anyway, though, as they won't schedule my prenatal visit without a positive test--I could lie, but there's no point when tests are free. No hurry, though, because the first prenatal visit where I go is at the very end of the first trimester. I find this late. Especially since they say you should take vitamins. Well, thanks, but you've already missed the most important window for that. Not that I don't know about vitamins, but it just seems silly for the clinic to not have some default new patient education about these things in a timely manner.